Cortes na Band devem atingir 350 funcionários


A Band deve enxugar até o final de agosto cerca de 10% de sua folha de pagamento.

A emissora, que iniciou um processo de redução de gastos e demissões em julho, deve encerrar o mês com cerca de 350 funcionários a menos.

A reestruturação nasceu a partir de um diagnóstico, realizado no primeiro trimestre do ano por uma empresa de consultoria, que apontou que era necessário uma contenção de gastos no canal para manter a saúde financeira do grupo.

Além da necessidade de cortes de funcionários, o estudo mostrou que a Band não poderia mais manter artistas contratados que não estivessem no ar, como fez por anos com Adriane Galisteu e Daniella Cicarelli, e que as verbas de produção deveriam ser reduzidas.

Eventos maiores, como os concursos de Miss e a Fórmula Indy, só serão exibidos se captarem patrocinadores previamente.

Em meio a esse apertar de cintos, a emissora também não irá se livrar tão cedo das locações de horários para religiosos e investirá mais em produções independentes.

Nesta semana, os departamentos de marketing e aquisições foram esvaziados e incorporados por outras áreas na rede.

Procurada, a Bandeirantes não comenta o número de demissões até agora.


Cegonha A repórter da previsão do tempo Flávia Freire deve substituir Mariana Ferrão no “Bem Estar” (Globo) durante a licença-maternidade da apresentadora.

Cegonha 2 Marina Araújo também fez testes, mas Flávia é a mais cotada para a vaga.

Descanso Depois de quase dois meses de férias, Silvio Santos retorna hoje ao batente no SBT. Nos bastidores, o comentário é que o patrão deu uma recauchutada no rosto.

Mudança O departamento comercial da RedeTV! está sendo todo remontado. Anteontem, mais três executivos do setor foram dispensados.

Mudança 2 Em tempo, Paulo Guijarro (ex-Record) acaba de assumir a gerência de operações da emissora.

Ponta Ex-Record, Mel Fronckowiak vai entrar ao poucos na Globo. A namorada de Rodrigo Santoro fará uma pequena participação em “Amor à Vida”, trama das 21h.

Fila Um empresário do ramo de televendas e dois grupos religiosos, entre eles a Igreja Mundial, de Valdemiro Santiago, estão interessados na compra da rede que compõe a MTV Brasil, do Grupo Abril.

Fila 2 Nenhuma oferta chegou perto, até agora, do valor pedido pelo negócio, na casa dos R$ 500 milhões.

Fila 3 A Folha apurou que a MTV chegou a ser oferecida para o Grupo Bandeirantes, que não se interessou.


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  29. Young children ages 5 to fourteen within the United states of america are 13 times as likely to become killed with guns as children in other industrialized nations, in accordance with David Hemenway, a general public well being expert at Harvard that has created a fantastic guide on gun violence.So let’s deal with firearms rationally because the heart of the general public overall health disaster that promises one lifestyle each and every twenty minutes. realistically is not likely to ban guns, but we can consider measures to cut down the carnage.American schoolchildren are secured by building codes that govern stairways and windows. School buses should meet security standards, as well as the bus motorists have to move tests. Cafeteria food is regulated for safety. The sole things we look lax about will be the factors most likely to kill. Ladders kill about 300 People a yr, and guns 30,000.What do we make canada goose jacket kids in winnipeg with the contrast involving heroic instructors who stand as much as a gunman and craven, feckless politicians who won’t stand as much as the NRA?As one of my Fb followers wrote after I posted about the taking pictures, “It is way more hard to undertake a pet than it’s to get a gun.”Look, I grew canada goose kensington parka women’s up on an Oregon farm exactly where guns have been a aspect of daily life; brand name clothing canada and my dad gave me a .22 rifle for my twelfth birthday. I recognize: Taking pictures is fun! But so is driving, and we accept that we will need to wear seat belts, use headlights at evening and complete forms to buy a vehicle. Why can not we be similarly grownup about regulating guns?And do not say that it won’t create a difference considering that crazies will generally be able to get a gun. 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Various environmental teams also oppose LNG exports as a result of fears that enhanced drilling could lead to environmental damage “Exporting organic gas will have serious implications for Canada Goose Down Glove For Black public well being, the atmosphere and local weather transform,” mentioned Michael Brune, government director from the Sierra Club. “Building these terminals indicates numerous new fracking, and much more fracking implies additional risks for Americans.” Bill Cooper, president of your Center for Liquefied Natural Gasoline, an industry team, known as all-natural gas a protected, cleanburning option to coal and oil. “LNG exports are a massive chance for the United states of america economic climate, our workers and our geopolitical relationships” with nations just like Japan that happen to be looking for to import all-natural gas, Cooper stated. “LNG exports will generate work opportunities, boost government revenue and advantage buyers.” The administration hasn’t stated irrespective of whether it’s going to approve the tasks. The situation best winter jacket canada is amongst the main challenges for Ernest Moniz, President Barack Obama’s nominee to be energy secretary. Moniz, a physics professor and former top rated officers in the division within the Clinton administration, is extensively seen as sympathetic towards the organic gas sector.Bacardi was launched in Santiago de Cuba on February 4, 1862, when Don Facundo Bacardi Masso bought a small distillery. Immediately after many years of experimenting, Bacardi revolutionized the spirits market by including methods under no circumstances prior to employed in rummaking. He selected higher high quality blackstrap sugarcane molasses, isolated a specific pressure of yeast (still utilized now), filtered, mellowed his rums in American white oak barrels, and after that blended them to make the right flavor. 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This year I’m bringing my 6 and 8 year previous youngsters. Initially when my husband recommended this I although he was crazy. I felt it would be also physically demanding and tricky. It wasn’t. All the things was cared for plus the focus to element was just outstanding. I want there were flush toilets instead canada goose jacket bomber of packing containers in the woods, but that just adds to the authenticity with the experience. The meals was awesome and Black Jacket In Montreal Stores also the early morning wildlife sightseeing was a highlight. I advocate this to any person using an adventurous spirit who wants to possess the assurance of an professional manual to look after anything (which includes carrying the canoe and materials). 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